Tuesday, September 7, 2010

wHaT ThE MonKeY?!!

So being new to this whole "Blogging Fest" don't know how much of myself or my days I should share. Especially right now in my life. I wish I could share witty updates with silly stories and fun moments in my life...but I have never felt so utterly alone at this time in my life. Truthfully its kind of funny as I reflect on my life, quite often I was the one giving advice, sharing perspective and believing in a one day "Fairy Tale" Ending. Don't get me wrong I still believe and hope for that ending but like many others my life is now taking the turn that was never expected or desired. It seems I am scrabbling to find those who can give me advice, share perspective and give some glimmer of hope of a "Fairy Tale" ending. The hardest emotion I have faced is rejection. The other hardest emotion is facing myself. Both have been intense experiences these past few months.

I can recall years ago when working with my severely disabled students...Shilo was one of my favorites. He was out of control. Often when given an assignment, life skill or homework he would exclaim, "WHAT THE MONKEY?!!!" He would get his side ways smile that would always melt my heart and then shake his head while laughing as if this expectation of work was an absolute joke, and we should all know it. But he would plug along with his work until it was absolutely finished (apart of his OCD:) I remember one day he focused on screwing off a nut to a bolt over and over agin until all 50 nuts and bolts were pulled apart. I breezed by and started putting them away when Shilo, "What?! What the Monkey?! I need to out them together now..." As he shook his head and laughed at me, I chuckled, poured them out again and watched as he one by one put them back together. Something about Shilo that made this even more surprising was that he had severe withering on his left side. So his small and bunched up hand would slip and sometimes fail at keeping the bolt and nut in his hand. He would patiently pick it up and continue.

so...what the heck does that have to do with anything? Truthfully, I don't know. Except I find myself in more than one moment of my day thinking, "What the Monkey?!" How did this happen? How am I to heal? Will I ever be happy again? Will the ache go away? What can I do to be better from these experiences? and more often than not, the answers are not big, fabulous or easy...its simply picking up the nuts and bolts and one by one putting them together. I don't like it. But I am hoping that one day I can gain that same patience as Shilo.

...The End.


  1. I remember at a particularly hard time in my life you telling me that the Lord was giving me a hard time because he loved me. You said something like "Jill, the Lord is shaping your right now and you will become amazing from this experience." You were right. CS Lewis says our trials are like the Lord remodeling us, the little cottage, into a beautiful castle. Hang in there. You are very loved.

  2. You have continued to amaze me! As always I am wishing from the bottom of my heart a good day for you!

  3. As far as what you should put on your blog...THIS! This is a beautiful blog post and exactly what you should blog about. It lets people see who you are and share in your experiences. I'm so glad you've started it. I find blogging a great outlet. It's almost like a journal, but there are some things I still keep private :). I miss you and wish we lived closer together. If you ever feel like traveling to South Carolina, I have an air mattress with your name on it. (Okay, I'll go buy an air mattress and write your name on it...)

  4. Aly I love your blog! You are seriously an amazing person. This might seem really weird or random...but I just read a post on my friend Julia's blog that I think you should read. Her blog is jakeandjuliamiller.blogspot.com and the post is called "Rainbows". I was going to paraphrase, but she says it so well. Part of blogging is blog-creeping, right? :) Also, I have no adopted the phrase "what the monkey?" into my vocabulary. Excellent.

  5. You are amazing Aly! Sorry... I'm a creeper on your blog now :) haha...I just had to comment because I totally remember all your funny, awesome stories about those little (or not so little..)special needs kiddos when we were roomies. I have always looked back on your example of love and perseverance as you struggled to teach them, even when they beat you down (literally)! You can do anything.

  6. Aly you are amazing and i promise you will be happy again. Not that you need to believe me but I remember writing in my journal and wondering if I would ever be happy again and actually writing that I had nothing to say becasue I didn't ever want to remember this time of my life. You will heal and you will be happy, have faith in that and one day (although it seems like never now) it will happen. I promise!

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  9. you are inspiring miss clare!! love ya!! thanks for everything you do!! ur amazing!! :D your worth is great in the sight of god!! remember that!! and you will always be at least ok! :D have a good day! ohh and ged is always with you and knows the pain you go through he suffers with you! so remeber you are an amazing daughter of god! :D
